Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Tis' The Season!

I loved the innocence of Snoopy, Woodstock, and the Charlie Brown crew as a kid, and still do. Wishing you all blessed Christmas!

~ Kit


  1. Yeah... Christmas used to be great - even the bad ones.

  2. Thanks everyone. I wrote another post for today, but it's sad and about my landlord who has become kind of psycho lately, so I took it down. The holidays should be happy and no point sharing some unexpected problems in my life that I hope will be resolved in a few weeks. If not I'll share that story.

    Have a great holiday and time permitting, will be around to check on your latest posts over the next few days.

  3. Hi Kit I wished you kept the post up I happen to have read it while prepareing for work this morning.
    The reason I suggest you leave it up is because you never know who may need to read the cold hard ugly truth of a day in this life.
    I know your post had the effect of a strong cup of black coffee on me at 3am.
    So keep up the truth,please hold your head high and remember this also shall pass.

  4. Happy Belated Christmas to you Kit. I hope yours was a blessing, even though it's been a tough one.


Hi, this is Kit.

I haven't posted since summer 2010, and comment moderation has been on for a very long time.

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