Success doesn't come to everyone who deserves it simply because life isn't fair.
A reminder of this are the haters who hid behind the Cross and prayed for rain of biblical proportions in Denver today to prove that Barack Obama should not be elected. Well, the weather was heaven sent and gorgeous. It's as though God deliberately sent the haters a message, and that ought to shut 'em up.
If it doesn't, Hurricane Gustav is forcing McCain and the GOP to consider canceling their upcoming convention in New Orleans. I feel for any would be victims who live there, but I'm smiling at the irony.

Oh shit! I ain't smiling no more. Here's an updated photo
of this bitch, Friday 8-29-08 from the National Hurricane Center.
Hmmm. See what happens when ya pray for the wrong things?
Naw, it's global warming, right?
of this bitch, Friday 8-29-08 from the National Hurricane Center.
Hmmm. See what happens when ya pray for the wrong things?
Naw, it's global warming, right?
This being said, when success does arrive for someone who deserves it and hasn't been victimized by circumstance, discrimination or plain bad luck, we are pleased for them because this gives us hope that we can have it too, or at the least, can enjoy it vicariously.
The old saying goes, life is 90% showing up, and the rest is hard work.

And boy has Barack been showing up and working tirelessly since his early college years, after he made up his mind to give up the excessive party life and get serious.
This is his unspoken lesson.
This is also what struck me about today's line up of speakers or entertainers at the Democratic National Convention in Denver. I didn't see them all, but will speak of those I did and who caught my attention.
Jennifer Hudson, who is almost 27, was the perfect pick to sing Star Spangled banner. She's grew up in Chicago in a family of modest means, graduated high school and then persevered in show biz. She got a break in American Idol after working as a Disney cruise ship singer. Didn't win, but kept on. She got the break she needed in 2006 and stole the show, Dream Girls. She succeeded because she had that Yes I Can spirit, and she showed up.
Stevie Wonder, age 57, is a more famous entertainer. Blind since his infancy, he got a huge break at age 12 with Motown. His blindness is a handicap but it didn't cripple his ability to participate in life and share his talents with us. He showed up, and this afternoon, showed up again at the DNC to support Obama and shower us with his joy and music. Loved this song with the group, Take Six:
I saw Stevie perform live in either St. Louis or Kansas City around 1974 or '75. I was a young thing back then, but loved him. I couldn't believe that someone who was blind could be so comfortable with himself. One of the first albums I ever owned was by him. I still play his music from time to time.
Two of Martin Luther King Jr.'s adult children gave speeches. I can't imagine their pain of losing their dad the way they did. They endured. They showed up for life, worked hard, and life rewarded them.
Al Gore was another human being who showed up. If I recall correctly, his father owned a tobacco farm. His sister began smoking, and when she died of lung cancer, his dad gave up this work. He didn't grow up rich. All he had was a dream to serve.

My heart weeps with sadness over his being cheated out of the Presidency that certain elements in the GOP are alleged to have stolen.
How different the world and our nation would be had he run things in the past nearly eight years. How far along would we be with his efforts to stop the polluting of our environment and slow down global warming? How many more million plus people would be alive or healthy were it not for George Bush's invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq?
Clinton and Gore left us with a balanced budget and surplus money. Seven years later, our economy is in a shambles and we are headed for a new Great Depression.
Gore had oomph in his speech. He was inspirational and once again, I wish he was going to be the VP. Here it is, seen here in two parts:
Shortly after 10 PM, Obama spoke. Here are some quotes:
"ENOUGH!... This is our chance to keep the dream of the American promise alive... What does it say about your [John McCain] judgment when you have voted with George Bush 90% of the time?...
He spoke a great deal about the needs for social safety net programs for Americans. He hit the target both for me and the audience when he said something to the effect, "We must admit that government plans cannot do everything, that the child needs a parent to turn off the tv and for fathers to be involved. It's a mutual responsibility..."
Barack touched on the need to stop nuclear proliferation. If he can pull that off without blowing up some country, he's a dang magician. Wish ya luck, bro, and I'm with you on this.
Barack is a cool-tempered individual. He warmed up throughout his acceptance speech and as it progressed, our brother put a spell on the crowd.
His comments on patriotism rocked. To McCain he gave this message: How dare you say this election is a test of patriotism... we are all patriots who die under the same flag...
The rest of that part is too long to quote, you'll just have to catch it on youtube if you missed it. You can read the transcript in it's entirety here, which is amazing because it just ended 20 minutes ago. I think HuffPo will upload the video soon.
Otherwise, "change doesn't come from Washington, it comes to Washington. This is because America rises up..."
Oh heck, Barack, all of this ought get folks to rise up and leave their house on Election Day.
He finished his speech with the perfect Scripture: "Hold firmly, without wavering, to the hope that we confess."
Obama showed up in life. Eighty thousand people did today. It's our turn now to show up for hope, and work to get it.

Go for it.
8/30 Edit: Here's Obama's full speech:
i sent you an email. and i still have yet to read the epilogue of the hard rocks love series. it was crazy long woman!
ReplyDeleteanyway check your inbox.
Yes! You provided a good analysis here Kit.
ReplyDeleteAs you implied, now it's time for US to get off our asses and make it happen.
Emeritus, done.
ReplyDeleteSagacious, thanks! We'll show up in droves in Nov. 4th!
Folks - time the grab the hand of that youth you know who's not registered. Walk him through the process; that's the work. It'll be a tight vote and every one will count.
Great post,
ReplyDeleteIt was a great speech and his deliver was damn near perfect.
I agree with you, it's not what happens to you in life, but how you respond to it. As difficult as it may be sometimes, we all have the responsibility to heal ourselves and then march forward. Some folk are more resilient than others and I do empathize with those who have fallen through the cracks. Life can hard and cruel, yet we all have to find the means to carry on. Like Obama said in his speech, sometimes the world treats your problems as "it's on you, not my issue to deal with." Therefore, after getting knocked down, one has to find a way to get up, because there might not be anyone who gives damn to help you.
Thanks, Truth. Yep, the falls in life hurt and after we come out of daze or near-coma, we struggle to get up if we're stuck or lost in one those cracks you mentioned. Hope Obama can seal those with more safety nets, although I wonder where on earth the money will come from.
ReplyDeleteI loved last night's speech. It was everything it needed to be; succinct. Focused. Specific. Tough. And it still managed to be inspiring and emotional.
ReplyDeleteI am proud :-)
I dunno KIT, I guess I've been showing up in the wrong places. Do strip clubs and bars count?
ReplyDeleteObama surely has closed alotta people just with his speech, and I'm glad decided to show up that night.
I was gettin pissed at his ass for playing the "punk role" and being nice to Grandpa Moses after all those attacks. But I guess its par of his strategy to play dead and lay on the ropes like Muhammed Ali.
La, yeah! It was another bright and shining Obama speech. Loved it too!
ReplyDeleteRippa, the 'ole rope a dope strategy, eh? Betchu right. LOL.